The Emerging Trends in Addiction Medicine series features the learnings of hospitals taking part in the CA Bridge Centers of Excellence project. In addition to sharing best practices for low-threshold access to buprenorphine treatment for opioid use disorder, this series will explore emerging treatment pathways for stimulant use disorder and post-overdose care. The series will also share learnings from the Centers of Excellence hospitals’ response to the increased supply of fentanyl in California so that all hospitals are able to address the overdose crisis with evidence-based care.
Latest Episodes
Case Studies on Precipitated Withdrawal
Back by popular demand, we’ll dive further into the topic of precipitated withdrawal by reviewing real-world case study examples.

Just Start It: Buprenorphine Self-Starts
Starting patients in withdrawal on buprenorphine is safe – so safe in fact, patients can successfully do it on their own! We’ll talk through the details of how to pres...

Innovations in Post Overdose Care
Starting post-overdose buprenorphine is safe and saves lives at a moment when patients are most at risk for a repeat overdose and death. Combining effective treatment ...

New Best Practices in Harm Reduction: Fentanyl Test Strips, HCV/HIV Testing, and More
Naloxone saves lives, but a functioning take-home naloxone program should be just one component of wraparound harm reduction services from the emergency room. Learn th...

Precipitated Withdrawal: What You Need to Know
Precipitated withdrawal prompted by buprenorphine initiation doesn't have to be scary for the patient or provider. Learn how to avoid it with smart and proven treatment.